
I made a boo boo =(

It amazes me how doctors will do dangerous WLS surgery on someone 500 pounds, yet make someone lose a lot of weight for any other surgery. My advice is get a second opinion.
13 years

I made a boo boo =(

I'm with john. Get a second opinion. Or, tell the doctor that you've tried, and you haven't been able to lose the weight, and ask what s/he suggests.
13 years

I made a boo boo =(

To a certain extent I agree with you Ruby, but it's a bit harsh to turn our backs on another member or suggest they go elsewhere when they need a bit of support - especially as they don't want to lose weight and the post was about that. If it was constant spamming of healthy eating tips and how well their diet was going fair enough lol.

Anyway, good luck Fluffy, hopefully the doctor will come round and you can have both! smiley
13 years